September 2021: Trash, Recycling, and Hazardous Waste

Hello, potatoey people of the world! We hope you are having a good day!! 😃

This month, we’ll be talking about trash, recycling, and other forms of waste disposal!

Recycling: Reread our newsletter on recycling from a year ago! When recycling, make sure to clean containers, separate the different parts of an object (e.g. the plastic window on envelopes and boxes, which can’t be recycled, labels from cans, plastic rings from water bottles, etc.), and look up what can be recycled in your area! Here are the recycling guidelines for Ann Arbor, Pittsfield Township, Saline, Ypsilanti, and Plymouth Township. For people in the Ann Arbor area, Recycle Ann Arbor has a drop-off center where you can take things like plastic bags that aren’t recyclable in the curbside bins, and they’ll be recycled!!! The Recycle Ann Arbor website allows you to search for an object and see where it can be recycled.

Trash: If you cannot donate, exchange, sell, repurpose, use as material for crafts, compost, put in the curbside yard-waste bin, or recycle something, it must, alas, be put in the trash. When it is, make sure it stays in the bin and that you close the lid so it doesn’t fly away and litter the world. And you mustn’t — under any circumstances of peril or periln’t — litter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, remember trash pick-up parties! (Note, though, that most of the trash you pick up will probably be too dirty to be recycled. Another reason littering is an unpotato!)

Hazardous waste: Some things cannot be thrown away and need to be taken to a special facility (e.g. toxic chemicals, appliances, electronics, construction materials, etc.). Unacceptable items depend on where you live, so check your city’s guidelines. Here are trash guidelines for Ann Arbor, Pittsfield Township, Saline, Ypsilanti, and Plymouth Township, and Washtenaw County’s list of hazardous waste that they’ll dispose of.

Sewers: At last, we reach this delightful topic — what we must and mustn’t put down the drain (or toilet). As alarming as it is, everything you put down the drain will get into the sewers; from there, it can get into the groundwater if not sent to a water-treatment plant. For that reason, avoid toxic detergents as much as possible, and try homemade or natural alternatives when you can! Also note that “flushable” wipes are still unnatural and not healthy to put in the sewers. When cooking, avoid putting grease down the drain (it will clog), and use a sink strainer to reduce how much food waste goes down the drain. Finally, try to find clothes, washcloths, and sponges made of natural fibers, so they won’t release microplastics. Fun fact: you can grow your own loofahs!!!!!!!!!
Here’s this month’s checklist! Of course, remember that reducing your amount of waste is the first and most important step. Be a potato!!! đŸ˜ŠđŸ„”

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